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Start A Group
Study the Bible Together
Reading the Bible is fun especially when it's done together. Are you looking for a group of girls that can help keep each other accountable with Bible reading, pray for each other, and more?
All it takes is on "Yes!" From a girl!
How do I start a group?
We're so glad you asked! Starting a group is simple. You can start one with anyone too! Think girls at school, Church, you sports team, and other places too.
Fill out the form below. After you do, you'll get resources to help you get started
After that, get in touch with your group of girls you want to study with.
Order the studies for your group (get 10% off 10 or more copies), and start!
Sign up to start a group
Group Discounts
We want to encourage girls to get together and read the Bible, so that's why we've created the Spark group discount. Here's the discounts!
Buy 10 Bible study copies - 10% off (code STUDY10)
Buy 15 Bible study copies - Each study is $7 (code GROUP7)
Orders over $100 - FREE pen set (code FREEPEN100)
Get your 1st study FREE!
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