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How to study for a Spelling test

So. You want to get better grades in Spelling, but you don't want to sit down and copy words for hours. . . . BORING!!!! That's why in this post I show you how to make that studying time more interesting. Here are the ways I do THAT:

  • Write the Spelling list down

  • Write the first word on the next page

  • Write the word twice

  • Say it 5 times

  • Read it 5 times

  • Write it in rainbow colors

So, yes, that is what I do. I find writing things helps you remember more. You might be thinking- Rainbow font?!? Yep. It S L O W S you down (and THAT"S a good thing).

Now, you might want help with other subjects, say maybe history, or English. If so, here are a few textbook studying tips.

  • Take notes when you read

  • Use active reacall

  • Have someone quiz you

  • Read your textbook out loud

  • Make a "Quiz"

  • Make a studying time table

Well, I hope those tips help!

Tell any studying tips or methods you do in the comments!


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