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It's Time to Wake Up!

Writer's picture: Sadie Myers Sadie Myers

Updated: Dec 13, 2024

Hey Girls! What do you think it means to wake up? Okay. So I'm not talking about waking up in the morning, I'm talking about waking up to Faith. The truth is, maybe you've been hitting snooze for a while. You may be thinking, "I'll get serious about my Faith when I'm older. I'll start in a couple years". Here's the thing, now is the time to to start living with radical Faith. Now is the time to stop pushing it off. Now is the time to wake up!

Before we can wake up, we have to first ask if we are sleeping.

When it comes to sleeping in our faith, many of us will fall into one of three buckets:

Bucket 1: We are prone to a type of Christianity where we try to check all the boxes and do all the things. We show up to church, read our Bibles, and say impressive things, but we do it all for the sake of “performance Christianity,” while masking it as holiness. It's almost like we are programed to do these things. In Scripture, these people are spoken of as ones who are like whitewashed tombs. Their outside is beautiful and has an appearance of holiness, but inside they are dead and unclean (Matt. 23:27-28). Is this you? If so, you are asleep to the grace of God.

Bucket 2: This bucket is where we claim the name Christian, have a Bible verse in our social media bio, and claim to have a relationship with Jesus, yet the way we live is the opposite of God and His ways. We regard Jesus as Lord in our speech, but we do not regard Jesus as Lord in the way we live. Is this you? If so, you are asleep to the power of God.

Bucket 3: Finally, the third bucket is where you don’t even regard Jesus as Lord of your life, because you are the lord of your life. You want to direct your own life, make all your own choices, and do whatever makes you feel best. Is this you? If so, you are asleep to the truth of God. 

Each one of us likes comfort and rest, but through God’s kindness and grace, there is an invitation to open our eyes from sleep so that we can do all the amazing things God has called us to. It takes an awakened generation to be a faithful generation. 

I love the verse in 1 Peter 1:13-21. This passage was written by Peter, a disciple of Jesus. Peter walked with Jesus, and he witnessed the sufferings of Christ and the glorification of Christ at the transfiguration. Peter writes to encourage Christians to persevere in their faith, even in the midst of suffering, so that they can suffer with hope if they give themselves completely to God.

In 1 Peter 1:13, Peter is calling us to wake up, to be alert, and to be ready as we set our hope on the grace that is coming in Christ’s return. Peter is reminding us that there is a greater wedding day when Christ will come back for His bride—the church. So, we have to prepare for that day by being alert and faithful. 

We cannot be the generation that is caught sleeping as we prepare for day when will meet our King Jesus face-to-face. In Romans 13, Paul tells believers to live in a way that honors God: “The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed” (Romans 13:11).

Jesus is coming back sooner than we think, so it is time to get to work. It's time to wake up. It's time to get serious about Faith.

10 comentarios

14 ene

ned this

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Hi everyone! You should get the Daughters study! It's sooooooooo good! I REALLY REALLY LOVVVVE ITTT

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This is SOOOOOO true! I am working on being 100% in my realtionship with God in 2024

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06 ene

ooh. that hit hardddd 😢

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Brittney slays
06 ene

This was helpful. I really need to wake up my Faith. Do you have any tips or ideas? I feel like I should read the Bible more, but I have lot's of trouble concentrating, and same with Prayer. If anyone has any tips, I will be so happy! Again, thanks' for the post. This was a good reminder to be living all in with my Faith!

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Sadie Myers
06 ene
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Hi Brittney! Thanks for the sweet comment. I recommend praying to God like a friend. Have a conversation. No need to speed up or be poetic. Also, I love Bible journaling!!!

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