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My Favorite Card Games

Do any of you girls love playing games with your family? I LOVE playing these three games I am going to show you in this post. Ps: Tell me your favorite games in the comments!

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Let's get into the games I love! First up is my all time favorite card game. It is my #1!!!

Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza

I LOVE this game. I makes you concentrate because the game moves quickly. The cards are great too! Ps: This is also one of my friends favorite games!

Get it: Amazon

What Do You Meme?

This game is funny and fun! It's kind of like apples to apples, but I think it is better. If you are looking for a fun game to play with your family, I recommend this one!

Get it: Amazon 

Cover your cookies

This game can be hard to learn at first, but after you learn it it is so fun to play! I got it for my birthday and really liked playing it with my family!

Get it: Amazon 

Well, I hope you enjoyed this post!


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1 comentário

3 days ago

Love great Recomendations !!!!


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