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Sneak Peek: July Magazine

Hey girls! For today's Spark, I am giving you a sneak peek into the July Magazine! I am SO exited to jump right in, but first, I want to ask you to help with the magazine! Yep, I need you to decide an article! Choose your favorite to vote!

What article do you like best?

  • This or that quiz

  • Which one are you quiz

  • Fun quiz

You can vote for more than one answer.

If you choose, comment what theme you want for that quiz! Well, thanks for answering! You helped with the magazine!

Now, let's look at what's in store for the next magazine!

Camping Fun

Do you want a fun camping experience inside when its raining or hot inside? You will like this one!

DIY Starbucks Drinks

Don’t you love all those pretty and inviting Starbucks drinks? Well, sometimes they can get pricey so why don’t we DIY? Lets make some Starbucks drinks at home!

DIY Glitter Crafts

Get ready for a big treat! All the things to do with glitter!

Does that sound cool to you? If so, Subscribe to our magazine here so you don't miss out! See you there!

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1 Comment

Jun 23

Can't wait for the Starbucks thing!


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